Following the “A View from the Right” year-end tradition, this year’s final post is a sampling of my favorite posts ranging from 2010 thru 2018. Hopefully, readers new and old will find something of interest from the archives that they may have missed. There is no actual ranking involved, but I have tried to present […]
“These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and a rate that’s never happened before.” — President Trump, in response to a California sheriff’s frustrations with state “sanctuary” law making it difficult to deal with MS-13 You’ve probably heard about this story already, but allow me […]
In what has become something of a year-end tradition here at “A View from the Right”, my final post for 2017 is a “Top 10” of links (with associated excerpts) to posts from preceding years. (The first two even go back to 2010 and 2011, respectively.) The idea is to give readers — especially newer […]
Liberal progressive. Atheist. Member of LGBT community. Pro-choice, feminist icon. Given the above attributes, you wouldn’t think there was much for a politically- and religiously-conservative individual like me to agree on with Camille Paglia (silent ‘g’), writer of Sexual Personae and Free Men, Free Women. For the most part, that’s true. But, Ms. Paglia is […]
It has been a busy weekend, and I wasn’t sure what I’d have time to share with you this week. I knew I wanted a political element to it, though. So, I looked back at several articles from the past few days and came up with a few items of interest to briefly comment on…. […]
“Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together.” — Daniel Webster, early American politician When a wrong has been committed, it’s a normal, healthy human desire to want to see justice done. I am defining “justice” here as fair punishment that […]
“In studies on college students, atheists and agnostics reported more anger at God during their lifetimes than believers. A separate study also found this pattern among bereaved individuals.” — CNN’s Elizabeth Landau reporting on Case Western Reserve University research (Jan. 2011) When asked why they are atheist/humanist/naturalist, most people will tell you that it’s only […]
“[A]fter many decades of trying to comprehend the gender confusion that persisted even after my sex transition, I came to understand that my grandmother’s cross-dressing of me was emotional child abuse. The psychological harm grew as years went by.” — Walt Heyer You probably saw it — the recent National Geographic cover featuring a “transgendered” […]
It’s that time, again. Time for another year-end list of “top posts” on various topics from preceding years (including the one just ending). I try to pick those that are “evergreen”, though, or at least still interesting/entertaining. In case you’re curious, here are the previous lists: “Celebrating 5 Years of AVftR (plus a Top 10)!”, […]
“Zero G, and I feel fine.” — Col. John Glenn On December 8, 2016, America and the world lost a hero and, some might even say, a “living legend”, when former Marine aviator, astronaut, and U.S. Senator John Glenn passed away at the age of 95. He will be laid to rest at Arlington National […]