There aren’t many, but I do on occasion let someone else play in my sandbox. So, in case you’re curious, here is a list of the brave and honored few….
By Todd Fichter:
3/28/2010 On a Need-to-Know Basis: Common Sense on the Census
6/17/2011 “NPR’s Mara Liasson Is a Racist Prostitute”
By Jamie Davis:
5/12/2010 Was Jesus a Sword Toting Conspiracy Theorist?
By Jay Moore:
8/6/2011 Sacrifice and the Return on Investment in Afghanistan
By Jeff Matthews (Tenth Amendment Center):
5/15/2010 Commerce, Jurisdiction and Firearms Freedom Acts
By Michael Maharrey (Tenth Amendment Center):
5/19/2013 A Basic Civics Lesson for Pseudo-Historians
By others:
4/13/2014 The Growing Commercial Spaceflight Industry
5/11/2014 A.I. in the Ditch
5/18/2014 A Spoonful of Science Helps the Glyphosate Go Down
*Note: If you hold to similar (not necessarily exact same) beliefs and positions on relevant topics, can communicate clearly in writing, and have an idea for a post/article, contact me to discuss it. Maybe you’ll be added to the list!

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