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A.I. in the Ditch

Published on May 11, 2014 By sirrahc

I take no credit (or blame) for what follows. It is the result, following a discussion on Facebook (which I was not involved in), of the reading, observation, and analysis by a friend of mine. I’ve mentioned him before on a couple other posts. That friend is the inimitable Eriku Mironasu (aka ECM), and the […]

Can Cyborgs Be Tried for Murder?

Published on September 26, 2010 By sirrahc

Yeah, I know this is an odd topic for this blog. And, I’ll probably go into more detail than necessary. Indulge me… Last night, I re-watched the first two episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles — based on the first two Terminator movies, of course. You know… the ones where Arnold Schwarzenegger says things […]