“The ideas of creation and evolution involve discerning realities from pseudo representations. The universe, life, and humanity were either designed with purpose and meaning, or they were not. The entire cosmos either explains itself, or it does not. Creation either happened, or it’s a figment of someone’s imagination.
What a person believes about his origin colors every other part of his view on life. Strictly natural outcomes reflect no care, no reason, no hope. Yet these characteristics belong inherently to the concept of biblical creation. Because individuals behave as they believe, perspectives on evolution and creation embody a critical determinant for how people choose to live and plan their lives.”
— Dr. Hugh Ross, astronomer, founder/prez of Reasons to Believe, author of More Than a Theory (among others)
Given the general topics covered on this blog, it is only natural that the creation/evolution/design debates and related subjects are the focus of some of my writing. Besides, it has been an interest of mine for many years, and I love reading and listening to podcasts about these issues. So, I figured, as long as I’m creating new pages to list links of one focus or another, it makes sense to have one about this stuff. Am I right, or am I right? (No need to answer. The blog’s title says it all.)
So, in chronological order of their posting, here they be…
Creation / Evolution / Intelligent Design
Much Ado about Ida: The Missing Link That Wasn’t
Shenanigans at the California Science Center
Those Dang Tetrapod Tracks, part 1 of 2
Those Dang Tetrapod Tracks, part 2 of 2
Cambrian Explosion Continues to Stymie Materialists
NASA’s JPL vs. Intelligent Design
The Truth about the Latest Noah’s Ark Discovery
Questioning Darwin: Re-Thinking “Survival of the Fittest”
Darwinists Talk to the Hand re ID Peer Review
Are Academic Freedom Laws Anti-Science?
Living on a Razor’s Edge, part 1 of 3
Living on a Razor’s Edge, part 2 of 3
Living on a Razor’s Edge, part 3 of 3
Must Christians Accept Evolution?
Pro-Intelligent Design Group Wins First Amendment Suit
Young-Earth Old-Earth Creationist Exchange, part 1 of 3: Bellybuttons and the Appearance of Age
Young-Earth Old-Earth Creationist Exchange, part 2 of 3: The Days of Creation and Evolution
Young-Earth Old-Earth Creationist Exchange, part 3 of 3: A Literal Adam and Death Before the Fall
Just One Minute, Dr. Tackett!: Time and an Old Earth
The Women on the Ark, part 1 of 2: Linking Back to Eve
The Women on the Ark, part 2 of 2: How Old Were They, Anyway?
Another YEC/OEC Exchange, part 1 of 2: What the Early Church Fathers Said about Creation Days
Another YEC/OEC Exchange, part 2 of 2: The Sabbath and Evening/Morning
Millions of Years of Disease in a ‘Very Good’ Creation, part 1 of 2
Millions of Years of Disease in a ‘Very Good’ Creation, part 2 of 2
Can You Accept “Revealed Wisdom” and Still Be “Scientific”?
Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham: Battle for the Ages?
Quasi-Postmortem on Nye vs. Ham Debate
Response to a Skeptic about Biblical Cosmology, part 1: Big Bang and Creation Day 4
Response to a Skeptic about Biblical Cosmology, part 2: Geocentrism and Bad Hermeneutic
Response to a YEC about Creation and the Bible, part 1: Biblical Truth and Scientific Theory
Response to a YEC about Creation and the Bible, part 2: Plain Readings and Explanatory Power
A Bad Argument for Banana Design
A Local Flood Interpretation of Genesis 7
Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 1 of 3)
Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 2 of 3)
Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 3a of 3)
Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 3b of 3)
Must We Interpret the Bible in a Vacuum?
Thank God for Sperm Whales and Other Predators
So, You Want to Learn about Old-Earth Creationism…
A Biblical Argument for Animal Death Before the Fall
Ramm’s Interpretative Principle for Geology & Biology
The Miller-Urey Experiment Is Irrelevant
The “Two-Books Doctrine” and the Belgic Confession
You Gotta Fight… for Your Right… to Study the Rocks
Three Questions on Creation, Angels, and Satan’s Fall
A Concerned Plea to Scientists and Educators
Review of *Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design*
A “Fundamentalist” View of Science and Christian Faith
Machen on Modern Liberalism and Science
Thank God for Elephants and Sauropods
Correcting YEC Misconceptions about the Big Bang
Stellar Burning and the Age of the Universe