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The Truth According to Social Justice

Published on March 21, 2021 By sirrahc

Here is another fascinating citation from Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay (see last week’s post). The symptoms and situations will sound familiar, and the authors provide helpful explanations of the SJ reasoning behind it all. (I hesitate to use the term “reasoning”, because part of the problem is the postmodernist skepticism about […]

A Symphonic Approach to Reality

Published on October 2, 2016 By sirrahc

“Is a scientific analysis in terms of light waves more ultimate than a human being’s perception of a red apple?… No, neither one is more ultimate. Reality has many levels, and human beings have many legitimate perspectives.”  — Dr. Vern Poythress As you may recall, I blogged on an excerpt from Vern Poythress’ book, Redeeming […]