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They Are Here and They Call Themselves Politicians

Published on September 25, 2022 By sirrahc

“What one man can fantasize, another man will believe.” — William K. Hartmann A couple weeks ago, I shared from Stephen Webb’s book (2015), citing one solution to the Fermi Paradox. This week, I present a follow-up of sorts. It might sound like a joke, and in a sense it surely is. But, as we […]

SETI and the Fermi Paradox

Published on August 14, 2022 By sirrahc

“Here [pointing to new, blown-up photo from Voyager] is the Earth in a sunbeam. And you can see it; it is in fact less than a pixel in size. And, uh, this is where we live — on a blue dot. There is no evidence suggesting life anywhere else. For me, that underscores the rarity […]

Is E.T. Hiding?

Published on April 17, 2011 By sirrahc

Sixty-plus years ago, a physicist by the name of Enrico Fermi postulated that, unless the evolution of life was unique to Earth, there should be many advanced species out there. If this is true, why haven’t we detected them or they made contact? This is known as ‘Fermi’s Paradox’. Adrian Kent of the Perimeter Institute […]