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Scientism Commits Suicide… Twice

Published on April 5, 2020 By sirrahc

“Only science gives reliable truth.” — believers in scientism Have you ever heard of a self-refuting view or idea? This is an idea that, when examined, actually defeats itself. It commits suicide. There are different types of self-refuting ideas, and some are easier to recognize than others. For example, if someone says, “All English sentences […]

Informal Logic 101: How to Think and Argue Better, Part 3

Published on July 14, 2013 By sirrahc

Part 3: Logical Suicide and Staying on TRACK “Without good support, not only is it a ‘bad argument’, it’s merely opinion.”  — me Welcome back! (Or, just “Welcome!”, if this is the first part you read in this series.) So far, we’ve been learning some fundamental ideas in what is known as “informal logic”. We […]