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Thank God for Elephants and Sauropods

Published on November 25, 2018 By sirrahc

“Less obvious reasons for why God created dinosaurs and elephants is to increase the global availability of nutrients and to permit a greater diversity of life to survive.”  — Dr. Hugh Ross A few of you might remember that I blogged a few years ago about being thankful for sperm whales and other large predators […]

Final(?) Word on Ida

Published on March 21, 2010 By sirrahc

She’s back in the news, but just barely. That 47 million-years-old skeleton of what may be the earliest-known primate, Darwinius masillae (aka “Ida”), is getting some more attention — at least, in scientific circles. As you may recall (go here, then come back), there was a lot of hype last year when Ida was revealed […]

Cambrian Explosion Continues to Stymie Materialists

Published on March 7, 2010 By sirrahc

In a paper published in BioEssays journal last year, the authors admitted that the event known as the “Cambrian Explosion” still has no plausible explanation within a materialistic paradigm. The Cambrian Period is the name given that time in geological reckoning that spanned from roughly 542 million years ago (Mya) to 488 Mya. The period […]

Those Dang Tetrapod Tracks (Part 2)

Published on January 19, 2010 By sirrahc

The 2004 discovery (reported in 2006) of a well-preserved fossil creature dubbed Tiktaalik was hailed as the “missing link” that finally solidified the “fish to tetrapod” transition — a “snapshot” of “a fossil fish in the act of adapting toward a life on land”. Dated to 375-383 Mya, Tiktaalik was concluded to be an intermediary […]

Those Dang Tetrapod Tracks (Part 1)

Published on January 17, 2010 By sirrahc

Once again, the evidence flies in the face of evolutionary (i.e., neo-Darwinian) theory. Or, does it? A new discovery in Poland (see here or here) places the oldest tetrapod several million years earlier than the supposed transitional forms that biologists have been touting as proof of fish evolving into land animals. Naturally, this has caused […]