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Censorship of Politically Incorrect Science

Published on September 9, 2018 By sirrahc

“In all my years in academia, I have never once seen a comparable reaction from a journal within days of publishing a paper that the journal already had subjected to peer review, accepted and published. One can only assume that the response was in large measure due to the intense lobbying the journal received, and […]

Paglia on Democrats, Journalism, Islamist Terror, and LGBT

Published on June 25, 2017 By sirrahc

Liberal progressive. Atheist. Member of LGBT community. Pro-choice, feminist icon. Given the above attributes, you wouldn’t think there was much for a politically- and religiously-conservative individual like me to agree on with Camille Paglia (silent ‘g’), writer of Sexual Personae and Free Men, Free Women. For the most part, that’s true. But, Ms. Paglia is […]

Pure Fantasy

Published on January 14, 2017 By sirrahc

“[A]fter many decades of trying to comprehend the gender confusion that persisted even after my sex transition, I came to understand that my grandmother’s cross-dressing of me was emotional child abuse. The psychological harm grew as years went by.” — Walt Heyer You probably saw it — the recent National Geographic cover featuring a “transgendered” […]