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Reasons for Occult Revival in the Western World

Published on December 2, 2018 By sirrahc

“It makes sense that witchcraft and the occult would rise as society becomes increasingly postmodern. The rejection of Christianity has left a void that people, as inherently spiritual beings, will seek to fill.”  — author Julie Roys, formerly of Moody Radio A recent article in The Christian Post discusses the dramatic rise in self-identifying witches […]

Christianity = Islam = Hinduism = Wicca: Are All Religions Really the Same?

Published on October 17, 2009 By sirrahc

Did you ever hear someone say “All religions are the same.”, or something along those lines? Or, maybe you’ve said it yourself. Did you ever really think about that statement? Does it make sense? I say, “Not even close.” Hear me out…. Sure, religions have some things in common. That’s why they are all called […]