A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Comments

Hi, there! Yes, it has been more than two weeks since my last post. (I try to average one per week.) Beyond not feeling particularly “inspired” to write on anything for awhile (despite the two party conventions and various “silly season” topics), now that I’m back in school (part-time), I have less time to research & write. Plus, over the past couple of weeks I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time developing lengthy responses for Facebook discussions. In fact, 2 or 3 of those will eventually be adapted into blog posts. But, since they’re still works in progress, and I feel I really should post something tonight, here are several images that struck my fancy recently:

First, something to get our minds soaring…

US F-22 Raptor Advanced Tactical Fighter

US F-22 Raptor Advanced Tactical Fighter

Next, something else that is soaring…

U.S. debt under Obama vs all other Presidents combined

And another…

Graph of unemployment vs what Obama claimed would happen

Countering a common misconception/accusation…

Prominent African-Americans in GOP


A little perspective…

How you see candidates (Star Wars characters)

A couple reminders…

Things that require Valid ID





feet of 9-week-old human fetus (aka "young one" in Latin)









A ray of hope & inspiration from the recent past…

"No one could..." but Reagan did














Reagan: "We are never defeated, unless we give up on God."




Now, for something completely different…

Star Trek thanks Lucille Ball, head of Desilu Studios

Star Trek thanks Lucille Ball, head of Desilu Studios, which gave Star Trek its start

A good example to follow…

Credible Hulk (with glasses) says, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry,... because I always back up my rage with facts and documented resources."

And, last but certainly not least…

Famous C.S. Lewis quote about why he believes in Christianity


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