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Defending the House GOP Agenda

Published on March 12, 2017 By sirrahc

As a political conservative, I have been waiting for quite awhile for the time when our leaders and representatives in the U.S. federal government would start chopping away at some of the unneeded and unwanted federal bureaucracy and regulatory restrictions and other laws that are a blight on our nation. From what I have seen […]

Not So Fast with the Bundy-Bashing…

Published on April 27, 2014 By sirrahc

Thanks to a video clip shown on liberal media (e.g., New York Times, “Media Matters”), a lot of people are up in arms (so to speak) about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s latest public statements. In short, he has been accused of being racist and of claiming that Blacks were better off as slaves. It was […]