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Rise of the Motivated Minority

Published on December 19, 2021 By sirrahc

A couple weeks ago, I cited a section of The Authoritarian Moment by Ben Shapiro, in which he gave an account of how the Left has gradually suppressed most Americans’ speech via things like the Cordiality Principle and “microaggressions”. In the next section (which I cite below), Shapiro described how a relatively small, radical minority […]

Leftism as a Religion

Published on January 20, 2013 By sirrahc

I recently purchased Dennis Prager’s book Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. The title may seem a bit presumptuously America-centric, but knowing Prager, I suspect he makes a pretty good argument in support. Not sure when I’ll actually get around to reading the book, but I was skimming the […]