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Jewish Freedom and the Free Market

Published on September 29, 2010 By sirrahc

In today’s excerpt from Why Jews Should NOT Be Liberals (2001, rev. 2006), Larry Sternberg returns to the issue of free market capitalism, its benefits, and what part a good Jew should play in the system…. Most observers of American politics would agree that between the two competing political doctrines of liberalism and conservatism, when […]

Bad Bongo!: Are Chimps Moral? (Part 3 of 3)

Published on April 13, 2010 By sirrahc

Last time (Part 1 & Part 2), Beckwith & Koukl demonstrated how the evolutionary approach to explaining morality actually denies it. Now, for an even bigger problem… Why Should I? This third observation uncovers the third and most serious objection to the idea that evolution is adequate to explain morality. One question can never be […]

Bad Bongo!: Are Chimps Moral? (Part 2 of 3)

Published on April 12, 2010 By sirrahc

In my last post (Part 1), Koukl & Beckwith explained why morality entails more than mere conduct; motive and intent are also parts of the equation. Denial by Neo-Darwin This leads us to the second problem, which runs much deeper than the first. When morality is reduced to patterns of behavior chosen by natural selection […]

Bad Bongo!: Are Chimps Moral? (Part 1 of 3)

Published on April 11, 2010 By sirrahc

Every once in awhile, you hear someone trying to describe how evolution/Darwinism — really, the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis — explains “morality”. Often the explanations involve recent observations of “morals” (or the rudiments thereof) among one or another type of animal — elephants, whales, birds, cats, dogs, apes, etc. But, IMHO, there is always something missing. The […]