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Your Stimulus Dollars at, uh, Work

Published on August 5, 2010 By sirrahc

OK, some of you may have heard recently about a few of the, uh, questionable uses that the Stimulus Bill money is being put towards — e.g., replacing a 5-year-old sidewalk, studying monkeys on drugs, etc. I know Glenn Beck and Fox News have both mentioned them. They come from a report recently released by […]

Obama HAS Created Jobs: Here's Where & Why

Published on February 14, 2010 By sirrahc

Since the start of the recession, 8.4 million American jobs have been lost. Last year, the Obama administration boasted that over 640,000 jobs had been “created or saved” by its economic policies — specifically, by the $787 billion “Stimulus Bill”. It took a lot of flak for that nebulous turn of phrase. How do you […]